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Lynnette Walczak

I grew up playing board games and card games. It's a pastime that I've never outgrown. The games mentioned here are great for your home parties, family game nights, camping outings, and RV road trips. (We play some of them on our cross-country motorcycle trips, too.) When I'm not playing games with my friends and family, you will find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Check out the all-new Monopoly game! See the new properties, the new game tokens, and learn a lot about Monopoly games in general. Fun, fun, fun!

Question: How do you know when Disc Golf has become a viable sport? Answer: When Frisbees cost $20... each! All kidding aside, Frisbee Golf is serious business... or should I say a serious sport? Here's everything you want to know about Frisbee golf... according to some of the best disc golfers in the world.

There's a lot more fun to be had with a Frisbee than just tossing it back & forth at the park with a buddy! Perhaps you've already heard about Frisbee Golf... but would you believe there are even MORE events & activities you enjoy with a Frisbee than that?! Here's everything you need to know about all the ways have fun with a Frisbee, including how & where to participate in organized events for Frisbee throwers.

Quidditch, the children's game, is a cross between soccer and tag, and it was invented by J.K. Rowling when she incorporated it into her many Harry Potter books. It became popular on playgrounds and such after Jodi Palmer, a mother and grade-school gym teacher in Columbus, Ohio put together a set of rules for her own kids to play Quidditch. Here's how to play Quidditch...

You can change history... impact the future... and have fun while you're at it! How? Cast your vote for which U.S. cities -- and which landmarks within those cities -- should appear on the all-new Monopoly board game due out this summer. America's vote will determine the cities & landmarks -- and their position on the board -- for Monopoly's 'Here & Now Edition'. Vote online here...


If you're bored at work or at home, these free online games and puzzles are a great way to pass the time. But be careful... they're addicting! Lite Brite, Online Trivial Pursuit, Pacman, Chess, Tetris, Battleship, plus lots of online games for kids.

Bolo Toss -- also known as Ladder Golf -- is an extremely addictive backyard game of skill. It's similar to horseshoes, but different. If you're wondering how to play Bolotoss or Ladder Golf... here are the official rules and directions.

Remember the classic game Rock Paper Scissors? Consider this: What if Rock Paper Scissors was expanded and 12 new hand gestures were added to the initial 3?

Everything you want to know about playing Cornhole games, plus tips on how to build your own Cornhole boards and Corn hole bags.