Backyard GamesHobbies & Crafts

Cornhole Game Fun For Everyone!

We had a little backyard fun with friends a couple weeks ago at Neil & Abby’s house. It was mostly all our softball friends…

Backyard fun at Neil and Abby's house -- Kurt, Erica, Pam, Jim, and Wes. Backyard fun at a summer cookout with softball friends -- Neil, Abby and Lori.

We got there late, so most folks had already come and gone. But it’s never too late to get your Cornhole on!

…Think of it as a “bean bag toss for adults”.

Then, imagine that it’s fun.


Fun For Most…

Jerry resting on a basketball in between Cornhole games in the backyard.

For some reason, much like Jerry (pictured here), I’ve never gotten into this game. But everyone ELSE sure seems to like it.

(I just can’t get past the name… it makes me squinch every time I hear it!)

Oh well, at least there’s always beer.

Say… maybe these fun DRINKING corn toss bags would motivate me to play!!!



What Is Cornhole?

Wes and Erica enjoying the backyard cookout, the Cornhole game... and the beer!

Believe it or not, there are “official rules” to this game. And they’re quite sophisticated. They even include rules for sanctioned tournament play!

I mean, who’d a thought you’d need more than 500 words to describe it? (3,700 to be exact)…

…and that there’d actually be an American Cornhole Association?!?!

Can I just say that the top placed ad on the American Cornhole Association membership page is:

Hillbilly Games — “Products and accessories that promote good family fun and honor our hillbilly heritage.”

Nuff said.

Anyway, back to Cornholes.


How To Play Cornhole

First you squinch.

No, just kidding.

Jim relaxing at Neil and Abby's cookout. But if you’re like me, then you might think that the aim of the game is simply to toss your beanbag-thingy into the round hole on the other side… from a distance of like 20 feet away.

Not so…

Instead, it’s a delicate system of “pitching” your individual “1 lb. corn bags” at a “cornhole platform” from a distance of “precisely 30 feet” and “tallying your score” as you go. Sounds easy enough. (Also sounds like horseshoes, right? Or… BEANBAG TOSSING?!)


According to the American Cornhole Association:

“Scoring can be swift…”



“…the lead may change hands several times in a match before the winner is decided.”


I guess I’ll leave it up to Jim — who’s played several times — and others to comment on the intrigue and challenge of this game …which at first glance, looks to be quite primitive. I trust that there’s something there. I’m just not sure what it is.

Anyway, at Neil & Abby’s parties, Cornhole is always the LIFE of the Party!!!! Trust me. And half the audience usually wants the dimensions to build their own Cornhole game.

Wes and Abby laughing while playing a game of Cornhole. Playing Cornhole in the backyard. Abby and Wes dueling at a game of Cornhole.


Build Your Own Cornhole Game

Alas, if you’d like to build your own Cornhole game, here are the “official” dimensions and “official” Cornhole Playing Rules.

I will say this…
The Cornhole game was “allegedly” a gift to Abby on her birthday. (She’s from the Midwest and this game seems to have originated somewhere up there.) And the coolest thing about Neil & Abby’s Cornhole game is the fact that it’s got the Chicago Cubs logo on one “platform” and the Tennessee Titans logo on the other “platform”! You see, they are the Cubs and Titans #1 Fans, so I’m sure it’s doubly satisfying when they “score one for the Cubbies”.

Now, all you need is these fun Chicago Cubs/White Sox Corn Bags and Tennessee Titans Corn Bags guys!

Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox replacement corn bags for Cornhole game. Tennessee Titans replacement corn bags for Cornhole game.

Oh, by the way…
As my gift to you, Neil & Abby, your “official American Cornhole Association membership cards” are in the mail! (Awe shucks, don’t thank me too much… it was free!)

These are Neil and Abby's official Cornhole membership cards from the American Cornhole Association that arrived a month or so later.



We are about to head to “an undisclosed luxurious vacation destination” in the Midwest with Neil & Abby… where I’m told there will ALSO be a Cornhole game!

I’m sure I’ll be paying the price for all this Cornhole talk.

…At least there will be beer.

The Great American Beer Club

More About Cornhole Games

Everything You Want To Know About Cornhole… and More! — all the basics about playing Cornhole, including rules & competitions

How To Build Your Own Cornhole Game — find the official dimensions and building diagrams to build Cornhole platforms

The Fun Times Guide To Cornhole Games — for all the latest & greatest Cornhole game supplies & accessories

Ladder Golf & Bolo Toss Games — similar to Cornhole… but different

Our Favorite Backyard Game Sets & Accessories — we’re game freaks (board games and backyard games!)